Team members David J. Gwynn, J. Stephen Catlett, Megan E. Coker and Rachel Sanders met on the 12th with Pastor Jason Harvey and church historian Carol Deaton of College Place United Methodist Church (located across from Aycock Auditorium and Weatherspoon Art Museum) .
It was a very productive conversation about the nature of the project, our expectations of each other, and included a nice overview of the history of their collections and the extent to which they have been utilized, or not, over the years.
We were given a tour of their archival material, which includes a lot of interesting and valuable items, such as original architectural plans and elevations for their buildings; the church dates to 1899, and there are plans by noted architect Harry Barton and Albert C. Woodroof. We discussed and finalized days/times for our upcoming camera digitizing sessions, and set the date for the important community group/organization meeting to be held at the church on Tuesday November 12th at 6:30pm.
Stay tuned for periodic updates on project happenings, as we work through the technical issues of testing several cameras for digitizing materials, which will become part of the project’s “best practices” manual. We will also be finalizing our survey questions within the week and sending invitations to groups and organizations whom we hope will participate in the survey as well as the November meeting.

- Posted by Stephen Catlett

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